Getting Started


Install the compress library

yum install snappy-devel (for CentOS)
apt-get install libsnappy1 libsnappy-dev (for Debian/Ubuntu)
brew install snappy (for Mac)

Build the rocksdb with jemalloc

git clone
cd rocksdb
git checkout v6.4.6-patched

Install the dependency (for old go version only, if using go1.13+, it will be done in go modules):

CGO_CFLAGS="-I/path/to/rocksdb/include" CGO_LDFLAGS="-L/path/to/rocksdb -lrocksdb -lstdc++ -lm -lsnappy -lrt -ljemalloc" go get

CGO_CFLAGS="-I/path/to/rocksdb/include" CGO_LDFLAGS="-L/path/to/rocksdb -lrocksdb -lstdc++ -lm -lsnappy -ljemalloc" go get (for MacOS)

use the dep ensure to install other dependencies, or use go modules for go1.13+

Build zankv and placedriver from the source (only support go version 1.10.8+, gcc 4.9+ or xcode-command-line-tools on Mac):

ROCKSDB=/path/to/rocksdb make

If you want package the binary release run the scripts

ROCKSDB=/path/to/rocksdb ./


Example config for rsync as below, and start rsync as daemon using sudo rsync --daemon

pid file = /var/run/
port = 873
log file = /var/log/rsync.log
list = yes
hosts allow= *
max connections = 1024
log format = %t %a %m %f %b
syslog facility = local3
timeout = 300

# module name must be exactly same as the data_rsync_module in zankv
## this path must be exactly same as the data_dir in zankv node
path = /data/zankv/
read only = yes
log file = /data/logs/rsyncd/zankv.log
exclude = /data/zankv/myid myid /zankv/myid

Please refer the etcd documents.

Example config as below:

## <addr>:<port> to listen on for HTTP clients
http_address = ""

## the network interface for broadcast, the ip will be detected automatically.
broadcast_interface = "eth0"

cluster_id = "test-default"
## the etcd cluster ip list
cluster_leadership_addresses = ","

## the detail of the log, larger number means more details
log_level = 2

## if empty, use the default flag value in glog
log_dir = "/data/logs/zankv"

## the time period (in hour) that the balance is allowed.
balance_interval = ["1", "23"]
auto_balance_and_migrate = true

Example config for zankv as below:

    "server_conf": {
        "redis_api_port": 13381,
        "http_api_port": 13380,
        "grpc_api_port": 13382,
        "election_tick": 30,
        "tick_ms": 200,
        "local_raft_addr": "",
        "rocksdb_opts": {
            "cache_index_and_filter_blocks": false

You should at least 3 zankv nodes if you want make replicator=3.


placedriver has several HTTP APIs to manager the namespace

storage server HTTP APIs for stats:

storage server also support the redis apis for read/write :


Golang client SDK : client-sdk , a redis proxy can be deployed based on this golang sdk if you want use the redis client in other language.